Social Events

We’re very much looking forward to seeing you at ELM! As we finalize the logistics, we would like to touch base on the social aspects of the meeting. We’re aware that participating in an online conference can be very draining, especially for those in different time zones. At the same time, we remain committed to providing the possibility of creating opportunities and spaces of interaction and exchange outside the official talk and poster sessions — just like it would happen in regular conferences! 

Following the example from previous meetings held remotely this year, and in light of the constraints posed by setting up a centralized social event in a remote format, we believe the best way of going about this is to let participants suggest and advertise their own self-organized social events around the conference, on whatever platform they find suitable (Zoom, Campuswire, Google hangouts etc.). We see this approach as conducive to opening up as many opportunities of interaction as possible, as well as to minimize the pressure for those of you who prefer not to participate. 

There is now a post on the Campuswire group feed for each day of the conference (Day 1Day 2Day 3) where all registered participants will be able to announce their own events in the comments to the post, as well as discuss ideas about possible social activities as they see fit. See the posts for further instructions (Note: you can organize on whatever platform you want, as long as you can share link for virtually getting together). Please feel free to contact me if you have questions and/or suggestions about any of the above!

Andrea Beltrama

(on behalf of the ELM organizers)